Unplug On-Premises Pluggable Database 18cR1 and Plug it in to the Container Database 18cR1 running on Oracle Cloud Here we’ll see one of the easiest way of migrating database from the On-Premises to the Cloud in multi tenancy architecture. We’ll just have to unplug a Pluggable Database from On Premises Container Database, copy the Un-plugged Database to the Cloud using Secure Copy and Plug it in to the Container Database running on the Cloud. 1. Let’s Invoke SQL*Plus on On-Premises server. [oracle@dbnode1 PDB]$ sqlplus […]
Tag: Oracle Cloud
Generating RSA-SSH Public Key, OpenSSH & PuTTY Compatible Private Keys using PuTTYgen. In a consideration of security, most of the remote SSH connectivity are now transforming to Password-less RSA Authentication. Basically in this method, authentication is being done on the basis of Private / Public key. In which, Server will have a Public Key and a Client should have corresponding Private key for authentication in order to connect to the Server. In this demonstration we’ll see how to generate Public
Generating RSA-SSH Public Key, OpenSSH & PuTTY Compatible Private Keys using PuTTYgenRead More »
Migrating Oracle Database 12cR2 from On-Premises to Oracle Database 18cR1 on Oracle Cloud As we’ve already done creating Oracle Database 18cR1 on Oracle Cloud in our previous post, now we’ll be migrating our On-Premises Database to our newly created Cloud Database from version 12cR2 to 18cR1. There’re several methods of migrating On-Premises Database to Cloud Database, This is one of them in which we’ll be using expdp/impdp. So this will go like, 1. Export On-Premises Database (DEMTEST) using expdp utility. Before
Migrating On-Premises Database 12cR2 to Oracle Cloud Database 18cR1Read More »
Getting started with (DBaaS) Oracle Database 18c on Cloud In past few months Oracle DBaaS, Oracle Cloud, Oracle Database 18c, Cloud Database and many more terms are trending in Database and IT world. Oracle DBaaS is nothing but a Database provided by Oracle as a Service (Database as a Service) in which our complete database with workloads will reside in Oracle’s cloud. And we’ll get Web based Dashboard (UI) to manage our Database Instances, backups, storage and so on. We
Oracle Database 18c on Cloud – A Complete ProcessRead More »