Getting started with (DBaaS) Oracle Database 18c on Cloud
In past few months Oracle DBaaS, Oracle Cloud, Oracle Database 18c, Cloud Database and many more terms are trending in Database and IT world. Oracle DBaaS is nothing but a Database provided by Oracle as a Service (Database as a Service) in which our complete database with workloads will reside in Oracle’s cloud. And we’ll get Web based Dashboard (UI) to manage our Database Instances, backups, storage and so on. We can also connect with our database using SSH based on highly secured RSA Key. This SSH connectivity with our cloud server will be a Password-less SSH Connectivity.
Oracle also provides a Free Promotional cloud service in which any company or an individual can create a free promotional cloud account and can test their database and workloads on Oracle Cloud DBaaS. An account holder will get 300 USD for free to utilize on this cloud account, which we’ll use to create our Oracle Cloud Database with Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition release.
Before we can create our Cloud Database, we must have a cloud account. So as this post is about a complete process we’ll start from the very beginning. So at the very first, we’ll create Oracle Cloud account.
1. Creating free Oracle Cloud account.
Go the url to create a cloud account. and click on Create a Free Account as shown in the screenshot.
Select account type and fill the details.
After filling above details, enter you valid phone number on which you can receive Code, and enter the received code in Verification Code field.
Yes, this is a completely free account without doubt but still Oracle asks for Credit Card details, just in case if we want to extend our One month’s / 300 USD subscription. One more thing to keep in mind that there you may see a minor deduction which Oracle does for verification. However this deduction will also credited back in you account in few hours. In my case deduction was ₹ 50.
So click on Edit Payment Method as shown in the screenshot.And fill the details.
Once done with filling these details you will see, Your credit card has been successfully validated. Please proceed to complete the Sign Up Message.
After filling details accept the terms and conditions and click on Complete.
Here you see the Thank you message, you work completes here in Creating Account. Now you will receive an email from Oracle Cloud team with further details.
2. Login to your account.
First Check your mailbox, you must have received an email from Oracle Cloud team with login details.Click on Get Started with Oracle Cloud account.
First login to your account with the default system generated password.
After signing in it will ask you to Set new password. Make sure you meet the password criteria as this will be your Cloud account password which will be used to access your all cloud services like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and DBaaS. So consider to set strong password.
This is the Dashboard screen. As we can see my name initials HP at the right top of the screen which indicates we’ve successfully logged in to our cloud account. Let’s go to the menu as highlighted at the left top corner in the screenshot to get started.
Click on Services and then you’ll be able to see Database.
So now we’ve our credentials to login to cloud account. So let’s now login into cloud account from the Desktop Computer.
3. Demunix Cloud account.
ORACLE Cloud My Services, in the right top corner, we can see my account email and Oracle Cloud account name which is demunix.
Click on Services to go to Database service.
Click on Database to go to Oracle Database Cloud Service.
Click on Instances to go to Create Instance page.
4. Creating Cloud Database Instance on Oracle Database 18c.
Click on Create Instance button to initiate Instance Creation Wizard.
In this screen, Enter an Instance Name, Optional Description about the instance like test or qual or prod, select Software Release and Software Edition from the drop down list I’ve selected Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition, select Database type as Single Instance. And click NEXT.
In this screen you’ll need to provide almost every detail about your Database. Enter your Database Name, Administration Password, DB Storage and Total Storage, Compute Shape (Physical memory and CPU Cores).
Now in SSH Public key click on EditChoose your public key, (
Click on Update.
Now you can see your uploaded Public Key.
If you don’t know how to create Public / Private RSA key, Here is the Guide
To configure Backup and Recovery we need to have Oracle Cloud Storage Container account. If we have it, we’ll just need to enter credentials of Storage account. Here I’m ignoring it for time being. So in Backup Destination we’ll select None. And Click NEXT.
Response Confirmation Screen. Nothing to change here, just need to verify our responses and click on Create.
As we can see, Status is saying Creating instance. Instance is being created. With 1 OCPU, 7.5 GB of Physical Memory.
When you click on instance name which is demunix-cloud in our case. You’ll get the complete details about your instance. even a Public IP.
As we can see, Status says Ready
Now we’re good to start the instance. To start it, open menu and click on Start to start the instance.Click on OK to Start the instance.
As we can see, Instance start request is accepted now.
5. Login to Could Database using SSH.
In order to Login to Cloud Database using SSH, we need Public IP of our Instance, and RSA key.
This is the public key of our instance. Which we can get by clicking on the instance name.
In this demonstration, we will connect using PuTTY, so enter Public IP of our Cloud Database instance in PuTTY.
Expand SSH and click on Auth (Do not expand auth). and select the PuTTY compatible private key DEMCLOUD.ppk generated by PuTTYgen software. and click on Open.
Enter oracle as a username. and you’ll notice it’s being authenticated with public key, which we’ve uploaded at the time of creating the instance.
login as: oracle Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20180312" [oracle@demunix-cloud ~]$
Verify hostname
[oracle@demunix-cloud ~]$ hostname demunix-cloud
Optionally we can check OS Version
[oracle@demunix-cloud ~]$ cat /etc/oracle-release Oracle Linux Server release 6.8
Check pmon background process for oour created instance DEMCLOUD
[oracle@demunix-cloud ~]$ ps -ef | grep pmon oracle 12248 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:00:05 ora_pmon_DEMCLOUD oracle 17174 16810 0 14:45 pts/0 00:00:00 grep pmon
[oracle@demunix-cloud ~]$ echo $ORACLE_SID ; echo $ORACLE_HOME DEMCLOUD /u01/app/oracle/product/18.0.0/dbhome_1
Everything seems perfect, Now let’s login to our Cloud Database.
[oracle@demunix-cloud ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Mar 24 14:46:47 2018 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version SQL>
Hurrah ! We’re connected to our Oracle Database 18c on Cloud Database.
Let’s check the version.
SQL> select name, status, version from v$database,v$instance; NAME STATUS VERSION --------- ---------- ----------- DEMCLOUD OPEN
Let’s check the full version.
SQL> select banner_full from v$version; BANNER_FULL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version
Cheers, We’ve successfully created our Cloud Database on Oracle Database 18c
Peace 🙂
Good job…
Well described..
You are upcoming cloud master in sha Allah…